Q: I have a question, who do I ask?

A: We are happy to help please Email Us.

Q: Is there a flyer??

A: Yes, just scroll down, there is a download link at the bottom of every page.

Q: Can I register here and then pay at the event?

A: No.

Q: Is there a payment deadline?

A: Yes, there will be a cutoff date to be announced later. In the mean time please help us out by sending your payment ASAP.

Q: Is there a registration form I can print and fill out by hand?

A: No, you must use the online form to submit your information, despite the fact that we cannot do online payment, we are trying to keep it as digital as possible.

Q: If I cannot attend can I get a refund?

A: No, due to the nature of our reservation we cannot offer refunds but you can donate your registration to the retreat or transfer it to a friend easily just Click Here.